Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fading Away...

NOTE : Apart from the last line, I have absolutely no idea how and why I came up with this. I don't know whether it will make any sense to you. But do leave your feedback. :)

I'd seen it somewhere before. Where? I have no clue. But with everything around me moving with a pace so fast that every single day feels like a blur, I notice that it's the only thing that doesn't move from its place. However, every single time I look back at it, I feel like it's running miles away from me, that whilst it's standing so perfectly still, looking at me with eyes so blank, it's fading away into the void that it will leave behind. It's somewhere in the center of the same old circles that I run in. Sometimes, I feel like touching it. Something tells me that if I catch it just in time, all I will feel is sheer bliss of buoyancy...

But time doesn't wait for us, does it? It never gives us the moment we need when we need it. I walked up to it today. And I came close to touching it even... But I saw it had faded away.. that in the next few seconds to come, not even it's remnants would exist to remind me of it's presence... I realized what I had been looking at... And we were gradually fading away....


AS said...

Story of the life, catch things in time, before the time makes you realize it.

UjjwalRaaj said...

This is brilliant. It's amazing how you can come up with stuff like this without any mind altering substances. The pictures that I got in my head wow.

I know what it's like when everything seems a blur. Know it a little too well. Just make sure you don't make the mistake of ignoring your priorities completely and deal with them instead. Even though it might seem like an uphill task. The view is much better from the top.

SM said...

so when r u planing to run out of the same circles !?
u really need to run out of them...
n do something new...rather GOOD with ur life !

Meher said...

Feeling blank, void. Emotions, that I'm pretty familiar with. Detatched from things that matter, and staring into nothingness. The post incites some strange visions in your heard. Awesome.

PeaBee said...

Sigh. That was really awesome. Ive felt this too! Like eveything is just moving so fast and you're trying to grasp "something", but it escapes every time! Are you going through the emotions you described or is this kinda random?

nil said...

The last line.. It's almost like you echoed everything I had in mind about this cerain memory of a day..or rather a phase- that I can never forget no matter how unconcious that part of my brain is.

And the last line. The picture I get is almost intimidating. Cause I know that void you feel, I know it too well.

Brilliant piece!

Splatters Of Ink said...

AS : Well said. =)

Ujjwal, for the first part, thank you! But I don't think you got what I meant by this post.

Sudhanshu, I guess..

Meher, thank you! You're one of the few who has understood the post. =)

Priyanka, they're all the emotions I'm feeling right now.

Nil, Thank You. You, I know, have understood the post. You understood it the first time you read it. =)

MangoMan said...

Painful detachment, willingly reluctant. Like.

Splatters Of Ink said...

Thank You. =)

UjjwalRaaj said...

Maybe....maybe not.

Confusion? Complication?

Splatters Of Ink said...

Not at all. =)

But, you're open to your own perception of this post.

aakash said...

in love with the description..
the best part is the subjectivity, everyone can perceive and see what they want to... at the centre !