Friday, November 19, 2010

Dear Diary : Another lesson learned, perhaps...

Dear Diary,

Love's not meant to hurt.

The thing about love is that.. It's not about the pain that you feel once it's over and gone. It's not about the recklessness that follows... those attempts to kill your conscience...

It's about the pleasure you feel even when you remember things you promised yourself not to think about. There's just something about the pain. It reaches out to the depths of who we truly are... (I remember saying this somewhere).. It's about the joy you feel once you've moved on and let go of everything that once, hurt too much to ever want to feel again.. It's about the strength you have to watch things burn.. to watch the person you loved walk away from you.. to let go and watch things take their natural course. 


Anonymous said...

Pain which tracnscends to pleasure and back again to pain. Quite the emotional rollercoaster, this love thing is huh?? :)

I'm glad you're moving on.. getting stuck in limbo is the worst thing that you can allow to let happen. Somethings are just not meant to be....

Anonymous said...
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